DanzaMedicina Retreat

DanzaMedicina is a body psychotherapy practice that worships nature as a ritualistic territory in summoning and reconnecting women with the inherent corporeal wisdom, and which serves us as a denunciation and antidote to the fundamental illnesses of our times.
We seek the movement that, like weapons that dream, acts against the excessively domesticated, restrained, patriarchal body-recipient, silenced in its instincts, plasticized in its senses, deadened and numbed, wrapped in pasteurized varnish.
The raw material of our creation, investigation and experimentation is the movement, the one that is able to displace us and provoke us to feel and think - the one that invokes the drift, the sensitive-intuitive field of forces, the estrangement and the dissonance, the crossing, the revolutions conceived when we move. Since the clinical process is interdisciplinary and interactive, it runs through ever wider concentric spheres, which start from dance-movement to music, textuality, photography, corporeality, materiality, ritual, the cosmos, life.
In times of superficiality, disconnection and exhaustion, we descend from the head to the deepest part of the body to reach inside the fissures. We dance under the cracks of the skin and the earth so that, maybe, we can remember the important things that were left along the way in our journey as women.
It’s an invitation to take off the masks, face the fears, embrace the shadows - to nourish, in the desiring body, what has become dry. To germinate, through the cracks, a life that desires more life.

Morena cardoso

Morena Cardoso is a body-psychotherapist, feminist (anti-racist, anti-capitalist, trans-inclusive), mother of six (two births), writer - author of “Chrysalis Manifest” and “The Girl who became Moon” (translated in four different languages), researcher on Clinical Psychology postgrad school.
A Latin-American woman who carries in her veins the bittersweet medicine of challenging the patriarchal and colonial structures through the whispers of the sacred and wild feminine wisdom.
Morena has been leading her experimental DanzaMedicina method for over a decade, in a dozen countries, with more than 600 students in on-site workshops and retreats and other 5 thousand participants on virtual courses - empowering, instigating and regenerating women, through weavings between dance, art, revolution, transgression and poetry.
location and schedule
Morena Cardoso is a body-psychotherapist, feminist (anti-racist, anti-capitalist, trans-inclusive), mother of six (two births), writer - author of “Chrysalis Manifest” and “The Girl who became Moon” (translated in four different languages), researcher on Clinical Psychology postgrad school.
A Latin-American woman who carries in her veins the bittersweet medicine of challenging the patriarchal and colonial structures through the whispers of the sacred and wild feminine wisdom.
Morena has been leading her experimental DanzaMedicina method for over a decade, in a dozen countries, with more than 600 students in on-site workshops and retreats and other 5 thousand participants on virtual courses - empowering, instigating and regenerating women, through weavings between dance , art, revolution, transgression and poetry.


The retreat costs 560E
The value includes:
- Three nights structure where the retreat will take place.
- Meals (Vegetarian): Thursday dinner. Breakfast, lunch and dinner on Fridays and Saturdays. Sunday breakfast and lunch. Tea break between meals.
- All the activities of DanzaMedicina
The value does not include:
Travel costs or other additional costs related to the arrival or departure from the retreat or stay in the structure beyond the nights described above. These are individual expenses to be paid by each participant. After the registrations are done we will offer support in arranging the local transport from the airport/railway station to the pick up.
Fill out the form below and we will contact you. Thank you!
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